Sports Therapy

Sports therapy is not just for top athletes, whether you are experiencing tightness or restricted mobility, muscle or joint pain, it can help you. By incorporating a whole range of treatments a bespoke plan can be put together for you.

If you perform at a high level in a specific sport it will compliment your training to optimise your performance, prepare you for competition and keep you injury free. In the event of injury, I can assess, treat and rehabilitate you back to full fitness. Your exercise therapy plan will be made specific to your sport so we build the strength within for you to be able to deliver at that high level.

If you are a social exerciser and like to keep active in order to maintain and live a healthy life, sports therapy will still be a huge benefit in getting you back to full fitness and recover effectively from any injuries or repetitive movement pain caused by everyday life. The techniques listed below will improve posture, increase blood flow, increase mobility and ultimately reduce pain allowing you to keep your body functioning at its best.

Techniques used in sports therapy:

  • Sports Massage
  • Trigger Point Therapy
  • Myofascial Release
  • Soft Tissue Release
  • Muscular Energy Technique
  • Soft Tissue and Joint Mobilisation