What I can do for you

Welcome to Michelle Bowen – Sports Therapist and Running Performance Specialist. Helping you relieve pain, recover from injury and rehabilitate back to full fitness.

If you’ve ever felt frustrated with ongoing pain or discomfort or finding your sports or fitness performance is suffering from an imbalance or ongoing condition then I am here to help you.

I can help you restore movement and function through a bespoke treatment plan, manual and exercise therapy followed up with aftercare, education and advice.

You will receive a thorough assessment including a postural alignment and movement pattern assessment as well as specific joint assessments to identify what is potentially causing your pain or limitation.

Every treatment planned is bespoke to you and will include various therapy techniques to treat the symptoms and correct the cause so whether you are an elite athlete, social exerciser or lead a more sedate life, if you are in pain or have an injury it will make a difference and you will start to see benefits as we move through the sessions.

Again the aftercare and rehabilitation exercises will be specific to your body, lifestyle and your condition, I will help you build strength, improve mobility and realign your body for better health or a better performance in your sport.