Strength Training For Running Performance

STRENGTH TRAINING for running performance is a crucial aspect that often gets overlooked by many runners. While cardiovascular endurance is important for long-distance running, strength training plays a vital role in improving overall running performance.

One of the primary benefits of strength training for runners is injury prevention. By incorporating exercises that target the muscles used in running, such as the quadriceps , hamstrings, glutes, and calves, strength training can help to strengthen these muscles and reduce the risk of common running injuries, such as shin splints, IT band syndrome, and Achilles tendonitis.

Another benefit of strength training for runners is improved running economy. Running economy refers to the energy cost of running at a given pace and is a key factor in determining running performance. Stronger muscles can produce more force with each stride, allowing runners to maintain a more efficient running form and use less energy to cover the same distance. By incorporating exercises like squats, lunges, and deadlifts into their training routine, runners can increase their muscle strength and power, which in turn improves running economy.

Furthermore, strength training can enhance running speed and power. Stronger muscles allow runners to generate more power and explosiveness during each stride, leading to faster running speeds. Exercises such as plyometrics, sprints, and hill training can specifically target the development of speed and power in the muscles used for running.

In addition to these performance benefits, strength training can also contribute to overall body symmetry and balance. Running can often lead to muscle imbalances, with certain muscles becoming overdeveloped while others are underutilized. This can lead to poor running form and increased risk of injury.

For guidance with your run specific strength training programme, it is recommended to work with a certified strength and conditioning specialist or a running coach who can tailor a programme to your individual needs and goals. They can help you identify any specific weaknesses or muscle imbalances that may be affecting your running performance and design exercises to address those areas.


Run Specific Kettlebell Workout – Are you stuck in isolation?

If you have had to self isolate for what ever reason or you have simply decided that the gym is not longer an environment you want to work out in – so long as you are fit and well this workout would be great for you….

All you need is a kettlebell (can be done with a dumbbell or suitable alternative – the cat, your kids is not suitable obviously!)

The 4 exercises

15 x Kettlebell swings

10 x Single leg deadlift – each leg

10 x Single leg deadrow – each side

10 x Clean and press with backward lunge

between each circuit mix it up with squat jumps / power lunges or hill reps or sprints – depending on your current situation.

Complexity, injuries, treatment and prevention of shoulder injuries

I have so many clients come to see me with some form of shoulder issue, ranging from restricted mobility to weakness, constant aching, sharp pain and even headaches.

Whether it is caused by faulty positions in day to day life, poor posture particularly as a result of being in front of a computers or on iPad, laptops, excessive amounts of driving etc… or sports related either overuse or insufficient recovery in training schedules, not going through an adequate warm up that will activate the right musculature and not cooling down and working flexibility post workout.

We need to understand the shoulder is an exceptionally complex joint.

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